The main actors

An Aurelia app operates with these main actors:

  • app configuration (aurelia object)
  • view model
  • view
  • router
  • route
  • resources
  • ui components

App configuration

Configuration of your app by default takes place in your main.ts file. You can have multiple sub-applications, each with their own configuration.

Example: TODO


View model

A view model contains the data (model) for a view and controls the behavior for that view. It can be seen as a combined model and controller.


A view (V) reflects an underlying view model (VM), usually with one-day data binding. Sometimes the view is also reflected back into the model for a two-way binding.

We will delve more into the Aurelia binding system later!


The router is used to manage state transitions in your app and hence what gets displayed for each state.



A router is configured from one or more routes and sub-routers to form a routing tree configuration. A sub-router acts as a branch in the routing tree. We will explore routing configuration and strategies thorougly in this book, as this is key in building a scalable application!


A route defines how a specific URL pattern is treated, in order to load and render a specific UI component (VM\/V) in one or more view ports (ie. a <router-view> element).


You can create your own custom resources, such as:

  • element
  • attribute
  • value converter
  • binding behavior

Custom element

You can define your own elements, essentially web components which you can use to compose your application.

Custom attribute

You can define your own custom attributes which can be used to link view data to a view model in a specific way.

Value converter

A value converter can be used as a gateway or bridge, for transferring values between the view and the view model.

Binding behavior


User Interface component

User Interface (UI) components have two parts, a view (V) and a view model (VM). The view is written in html (.html files) and is rendered into the DOM of the page. The view model is written in javascript (or transpiled to js) and provides data and behavior to the view. Aurelia's data binding engine links the two pieces together, so that changes in your data are reflected in the view and vice versa!

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