Project structure

Your project structure should look as follows:


We will go through each top level folder to get an idea of the main project concepts involved ;)


The folder aurelia_project contains the environment configuration, generators available and tasks.



The CLI by default configures your project with environment settings for dev, stage and prod.

Simply use the -env flag on any command to specify under which environment to run under. For example: au run prod --watch


Generators can be run with au generate <resource> such as au generate element

You can add your own resource generator as we will see later.


Tasks are commands that can be run directly by the CLI: The project comes with a few built-in core tasks.

build builds your entire project, useful to build a distribution for stage or prod.

run builds your project and runs it.

test runs your unit tests

process-css processes your styles and converts them to css. process-markup processes your markup (templates)

transpile transpiles your ES6 or typescript to ES5 javascript.


This is the core project configuration file.


This folder only contains the typings file for aurelia protractor, a port of Angular protractor for use with Aurelia, used for End to End (E2E) testing.


All your dependency modules, such as core aurelia modules and 3rd party + vendor libaries.


A few small scripts like app-bundle and vendor-bundle which processes your dependency definitions in the aurelia.json config file.


The source files for your app.

Application environment settings

environment.ts contains basic environment settings such as wheter to run in debug mode and if you want to run tests as well.

export default { debug: true, testing: true};

These settings are by default used in main.ts which configures your application. The environment settings are used to determine if certain plugins should be used or not.

 if (environment.debug) { aurelia.use.developmentLogging(); }

 if (environment.testing) { aurelia.use.plugin('aurelia-testing'); }

You can add your own environment settings, such as if you want authentication or authorization to be turned on etc.

Application files

The entry point for your app is by default main.ts which is linked to from the index.html file in the root of the project.

<body aurelia-app="main">
  <script src="scripts/vendor-bundle.js" data-main="aurelia-bootstrapper">

The main.ts configures your Aurelia app and bootstraps it by calling start. When the app is ready (a promise) then it sets the root of the app to an element on the document, by default the body. Also by default it finds the app.ts file in src and uses it as the view model for the root element.

export function configure(aurelia: Aurelia) {

  aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot());

app.ts is thus a regular view model, and can be as simple as:

export class App { }
  Hello World

There you have it :)


The folder typings is used by the TypeScript typings installer to install type definitions for 3rd party libaries written in Javascript.

The preferred way to install typings is in typings/globals


For example, to install sortable.js typings:

typings install dt~sortablejs --global


The editor config can be used to configure conventions for your editor of choice. Most modern editors support this!

Typically you might want to adjust indentation preferences

# 2 space indentation[**.*]indent_style = spaceindent_size = 2


index.html is the starting point of your app.

 <body aurelia-app="main"> <script src="scripts/vendor-bundle.js" data-main="aurelia-bootstrapper"></script> </body>

The aurelia-app="main" attribute, tells Aurelia where to mount an aurelia app and which file to kick off the bootstrapping of that app.

You can mount multiple apps on your index.html page if you like.

  <section aurelia-app="admin" />
  <section aurelia-app="main" /> <script src="scripts/vendor-bundle.js" data-main="aurelia-bootstrapper"></script> </body>

Here we mount two apps main and admin each in their own section of the page. We will go more in depth on this approach later.


Your node package manager (npm) config file. Here you define project information for npm such as name, version and description of your project along with development and runtime dependencies.


Contains TypeScrupt compiler configurations. Key for Aurelia is "experimentalDecorators": true which enables decorators in TypeScript. Aurelia relies heavily on decorators to minimize boiler plate cruft code in your code base.


Contains linting configurations for your TypeScript compiler. Linting is the art of checking that your code follows certain (strict) conventions so it stays clean.


Registry file used by typings binary to manage the type definitions installed.

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