Binding models to RethinkDB

aurelia-rethink-bindtable is a library to bind to RethinkDB tables via a socket connection.


npm i aurelia-rethink-bindtable --save


Using rethinkDB bindtable is super simple. You simple include the @bindable decorator and use it on a VM to add a bindable which binds to a rethinkDB table via a socket connection to a server.

You tell @bindable the name of the table, such as questions and optionally the server host (default: localhost).

@bindable will auto-inject Bindable (first argument in constructor) and add the tableName and socketHost on the constructor itself (ie. as static properties).

import {bindable} from 'aurelia-rethink-bindtable';

@bindable('questions', '')
export class Questions {
  constructor(bindable) {
    this.bound = bindable.configure({logging: true, socketHost: Questions.socketHost});

  selectRow(row) {
    this.selectedRow = row;

  deleteSelected() {

The bindable decorator creates two getter methods rows and table which delegate to the this.bound properties of the same name, (ie this.bound.rows and this.bound.table) by convention.

You can use rows with repeat.for to dynamically display the row data of the table.

    <ul repeat.for="row of rows">
      <li click.bind="selectRow(row)">${}</li>
      <li click.bind="selectRow(row)">${}</li>
    <button click.bind="deleteSelected()">Delete</button>

Adding UI virtualization

aurelia-ui-virtualization is a plugin which provides infinite list display using advanced UI virtualization techniques to reuse the same DOM elements for display of huge lists of data to ensure fast frame rates and minimal DOM operations.

Look at this demo to get an impression of its power!

Plugin installation & config

We install via npm

npm i aurelia-ui-virtualization --save

Then we configure the plugin

export function configure(aurelia) {
    // ...

Then we simply replace the repeat.for with virtual-repeat.for :)

<ul virtual-repeat.for="row of rows">


results matching ""

    No results matching ""