Advanced views

  • using ref
  • View model life cycle
  • Custom view loading
  • Custom view strategies

Using ref

Using ref adds that name to your view model, as a reference to that entity. This enables:

  • ref="someIdentifier" or element.ref="someIdentifier" - This gets you the HTML element from the DOM, which means that you can manipulate it from both your HTML and your javascript.

  • attribute-name.ref="someIdentifier" - This gets you the view model for a custom attribute. Since this is a javascript object, you can do anything with it you would expect.

  • view-model.ref="someIdentifier" - This gets you the view model for a custom attribute. Again, this is just javascript, hack away!

  • view.ref="someIdentifier" - This gets you the View object behind the custom element's view. As the docs say, this is not the DOM element (you use ref for that) but rather a class from the Aurelia framework that you can leverage to query and manipulate the view.

  • controller.ref="someIdentifier" - This gets you the controller for the custom element.

View model life cycle


This method gets called when the View is attached to the DOM. Here is where you will do your DOM manipulation, wrap elements in jQuery objects or whatever you like. All work with the DOM (especially plugins) should be done within this method.


This method is called when the View is detached from the DOM. If you registered events in the attached method, you would probably unbind them in here. This is your chance to free up some memory and clean the slate.


This method happens after binding occurs, but before the DOM attachment. This is where the DataBinding engine binds the contents of the View.


This method is called when the DataBinding engine is unbound from the View.

Custom view loading

How to use the ViewLoader, ViewFactory etc.

See here

For this I use <compose> and InlineViewStrategy - just bind an InlineViewStrategy instance to the view property of <compose>.

    <compose view.bind="viewStrategy"></compose>
export class DynamicCustomElement {
    viewStrategy: InlineViewStrategy;
    bind(bindingContext: any, overrideContext: any) {
        this.viewStrategy = new InlineViewStrategy(`<template><${editorName} data.bind="data"></${editorName}></template>`, [dep1, dep2, ...]);

Custom view strategies

Aurelia supports custom view strategies...

Jade views

Jade is a popular templating language. We will use it as an example for how you can use a templating language of your choice with Aurelia, instead of relying on barebones .html files. Templating languages such as Jade can greatly simplify your views and come with a number of features that you might find useful.

Jade syntax example:

    h1 Jade - node template engine
      if youAreUsingJade
        p You are amazing
        p Get on it!

To configure your project to use Jade (or similarly for any other custom templating engine), a simple solution is to create a jade gulp compile task which compiles all .jade files in src to .html (or precompiled .js) files of the same name.

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    jade = require('gulp-jade');

gulp.task('jade-html', function() {
    return gulp.src('src/**/*.jade')
        .pipe(jade()) // pipe to jade plugin, .html files
        .pipe(gulp.dest('src')); // tell gulp our output folder

gulp.task('jade-js', function() {
    return gulp.src('src/**/*.jade')
          client: true // .js files
        }))) // pipe to jade plugin
        .pipe(gulp.dest('src')); // tell gulp our output folder
});'src/**/*.jade', ['jade-js']);

Then you can use the .html files directly using basic Aurelia view location/load conventions. For .js files you can use the special Jade ViewStrategy as described next.

Jade ViewStrategy

aurelia-jade-viewstrategy can be used either with the special SystemJS jade loader or directly with precompiled .js files by using the isCompiled flag.

import {JadeConventionView} from 'aurelia-jade-viewstrategy';
const isCompiled = true; // to use pre-compiled .jade.js file

class ViewModel {
    getViewStrategy() {
        return new JadeConventionView(isCompiled);

Customizing the ViewLocator

You can also set up the ViewLocator to load a .jade view by default. This recipe currently requires that you use webpack with a jade loader.

import {bootstrap} from 'aurelia-bootstrapper-webpack'
import {ViewLocator} from 'aurelia-framework'

bootstrap(function(aurelia) {
  // ...

  ViewLocator.prototype.convertOriginToViewUrl = function (origin) {
    let moduleId = origin.moduleId
    let id = (moduleId.endsWith('.js') || moduleId.endsWith('.ts')) ? moduleId.substring(0, moduleId.length - 3) : moduleId
    return id + '.jade'
  // ...

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